Whole school

EYFS Staff Meeting on Continuous Provision script
Full agenda / script for an EYFS staff meeting on Continuous Provision
Environment and Enhancements
Skill Development and Progressions
There are timings next to each section

Progression in EYFS map with examples
includes pre requisite skills and progression of learning for:
small world
malleable materials
role play
and template for you to add your own areas
These are an invaluable resource for EY leaders in both Nursery and Reception to ensure staff know the purpose of areas of learning and how best to support children’s development.

Daily Class Agenda Slides
Daily class agenda slides
includes space for a morning riddle to be answered during the register, daily good deed, daily timetable, extra curricular information

Bumper Pack of Classroom Posters/display
huge bundle of 32 display resources for your classroom, all digitally illustrated and designed to be inclusive and diverse. A mixture of reminders, rules, responsibilities, inspiration, learning displays etc
maths, English, Science, PSHE and general classroom display
an amazing bundle for a new classroom

Editable visual timetable.
An editable visual timetable with space for the date, weather and a star of the week.

Staff Meeting and Expectations for Classroom and Communal Displays
Staff Meeting and Expectations for Classroom and Communal Displays
Powerpoint presentation with clear rationale, examples and lots of opportunities for personalisation
Accompanying Guidance doc for teachers. Gives clear guidance on classroom displays and communal displays
NOTE: this guidance is promoting natural and neutral classrooms with hessian backed boards (easily replaced by parcel paper)

End of Year Reception Report
Editable so that you can add your school logo and photo of each child
Covers EYFS and COEL
Parent feedback sheet
Next Steps
Clear and accessible format

KS1 SATs parents meeting slides
Informative slides for parents re Y2 SATs
Examples of specification, papers and methods

End of Year Report Format and Guidance
End of Year Report Format
With attached letter to parents
Suitable for KS1 and 2
Separate guidance for teachers document with clear outlines
Includes examples of comments and next steps
Includes practical advice

resilience assembly
Whole school or phase assembly on resilience
celebrity examples
opportunities for reflection
opportunities for discussion